Friday 30 December 2022

The Coil

The Coil is an independent literary magazine by the Alternating Current Press. Here are some of the reviews and interviews I did for them.

Lady Aviators in the Men’s Club

A review of 'Fly Girls' in which Keith O’Brien tells the untold story of five women who dared compete against the men in the high-stakes air races of the 1920s and ’30s.

Defying the Odds

An interview with Keith O'Brien the author of 'Fly Girls' about his writing process, routine, research for the book, and its modern relevancy.

Searing Commentary on Society

A review of 'White Dancing Elephants'. On Chaya Bhuvaneswar’s stories which explore the power dynamics of assault, queer relationships, sexism, racism, and societal structures.

Messes & Ambiguities

In conversation with Dev Jannerson, the poet and novelist on their book 'Thanks for Nothing'. 

On Anna Prushinskaya’s Essays

A review of Prushinskaya’s essays on a woman’s flight through childbearing. 

Teen Belle Magazine

Teen Belle Magazine was introduced to the world in 2019 with the aim, "flourish, educate, and rebel".  A volunteer-based magazine. It was founded by Sam, one of the best poets I knew and the nicest person to work with. 

Here are the articles I wrote for them. 

A Mirror in a Doll's House

A review of A Doll’s House, a three-act play by Henrik Ibsen. Published in 1879, at a time when the first wave of feminism was hitting the shore, the Norwegian playwright’s work brought about extensive debates about ‘The Woman Question’. 

Ghosts in the Archives

Exploring the 'male as norm' principle and the erasure of women in history. A brief exploration of the Matilda Effect. 

A brief history of women's cricket in India.

Women Led Movements : The Spirit Comes Naturally

Protests and strikes led by women along with how their rebellion interacts with patriarchy.

Marble and Pedestals: Of Accountability and Symbolism

The toppling of statues that 2020 saw, the symbolism of demolition and accountability in history.